I love being a missionary and I love this country and my companion and everyone here and mostly this beautiful gospel and our Salvador Jesus Christ.
This week things really hit me and I got really sentimental. I gave my last testimony in zone conference and was able to teach a workshop to the mission on teaching and do some intercabios with other missionaries and go visit one of my old areas, Ocoa!
All in all I have been overly grateful these last few days and I know I will continue to feel this way, especially these last 2 weeks, of how many AMAZING opportunities my Father in Heaven has given me here in the mission field as His servant. Opportunities to grow, to watch others grow, and become closer to Him, and to feel of His spirit! I feel like I am truly a blessed daughter of God, being able to reflect.
This week I had a really touching experience with a mother named Yesenia. She is a menos activo that we have been working with for the past few weeks. Her daughter left on a mission about 3 months ago, Yesenia has been inactive for a very long time and no one else in the family is a member. As we have been working with her I have had really sweet experiences sharing with her how much love and prayers her daughter is sending to her because, I do the same thing for my family, and how much she desires that her family can be eternal! This week we saw Yesenia's smiling face walk into the chapel with her other sweet daughter. After the meeting we went to the computers so that she could send her daughter an email (she doesn't have access to talk to her daughter) and as she spoke I wrote. Half way through the email she broke down in tears... and said "tell her I am going to church and I will be an active member and I will be here waiting for her when she gets home!"
This moment really touched me, seeing the other side of the story.. but being the person that God has allowed me to be the mediator or the way to help them both reach their celestial goals!
I know that God has a plan for us and I know He lives and loves us! I know that families are meant to be eternal and I strive everyday to learn, grow, and be someone that is worthy to have an eternal family!
I love you all so very much!! Have a great week! :))))
My last zone conference with my compa!!! |
Visiting Ocoa!!!!!! I LOVE these people with all of my heart!!! |