Wednesday, February 17, 2016


FAMILIA!!! Wow I know I say every week is the best!! But really that's how it is! :)))  I just have to say that I love Ocoa, with all of my heart! It is just another testament to me that my Father in Heaven is aware of me. I feel like this place was created for me! Haha I'm coming back to live here! :) so to explain a little bit about where I am and how I got here..

So I had an hour bus ride to the chapel in Bani, then Hna. Mijangos showed up to get me! Wow how happy was that moment to hug her and see her again, it was a grand reunion! :) Then we took another 30 minute taxi to a guagua (bus) station and waited there then took another little guagua with my bags strapped to the back, and 20 people in a little 10 person bus thing, through the middle of nowhere! And up and up and up these mountains!! It is BEAUTIFUL!! It felt so good to have some fresh air and be out of the capital for a little! :) I am definitely in the south.. haha there are cows, goats, chickens, PIGS, and any other animal you can think of just around..!! haha 

I am the only american in the house I live in and wow.. I am forgetting how to speak in English..its a good thing and a bad thing! haha

So really we are just a tiny little city up in the mountains! Then there are other little tiny gatherings of houses that are around the city.. that is all our area to contact. We have one area... that is an hour away walking, on these little dirt paths through the trees, past cows and goats! Haha it's the best! Super different than the capital, but just as great if not better! )

We have seen so many miracles already here in Ocoa, but I want to share one! :) So on Wednesday night we were on our way back from the pueblo Las Flores (that is an hour away) and we were contacting a few people and then it was time to go home but we both had the strongest impression to stop at this house (just one more house) so we stopped and knocked on the door.. and the lady at the door answered with her little boy and invited us in. we didn't have a lot of time so we explained who we were and what message we have and that it could bless her life. She told us that she had visited the church before, but moved, and wants to visit it again... so we invited her to church casually and said a prayer and left... then a few days past and it was Sunday... we are in a branch here, and there are only about 50 people who attend, so we were waiting at the door and then it was time to start so we sat down and a few minutes passed.. and the same lady walked in all dressed nicely with her little boy!! Wow... I don't think you can ever understand the joy when you see someone walk into the church! :))) Hna, mijangos turned to me with her face so happy and was like SHE CAME!!!! So we sat with her and taught her how to use the hymn book and we felt the spirit in the meeting! :) Later she told us that we should visit her mother too! :)) We are going to visit them both tomorrow! :)) the Lord works in mysterious ways but as we learn to listen to the spirit and follow those promptings, the more The Lord will trust in us and give us more promptings! :)) I know that this church is true and perfect!! Our Savior lives  and loves every single one of his children! !:))) 

Pasen buena semana todos!!!

Con mucho amor

Hermana Jenson!!

This is my escritorio.. where I do all my studying! 

My compa and I. We climbed a mountain in Bani for p-day.. I am dying.. super sore.!! Haha but it was worth it!! 

This is part of my new zone! 

And these are my new housemates hermana Ventocilla from Peru, and hermana Alas from El Salvador! :)) They are the best!! We have so much fun!

This is the stuff that one member gave us .. her name is Isabel.. and she is just a little old lady that is alone in her house and she just kept leaving to her kitchen and coming back with stuff for us to take home. We had to carry all this stuff for like 4 lecciones! haha a carton of milk, nuts, popcorn, and a bunch of stuff from her garden to make natural tea! haha 

Me making natural tea in our house from the stuff that Isabel gave us! Haha leaves of guanabana... and I don't know what the other stuff is called! haha I made my companion try it and she almost threw up.. so it looks like I need to keep practicing!! :) 

CLASSIC Dominican food right here platanos fritos, and salami con huevos! :) yum yum yum.. haha 

We all wanted to be like hna. Ventocilla with glasses... Thanks family for the glasses for hna. Alas! 

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